Dr. Francis Valloor
Consultant Clinical Psychologist
Exceptional situations like recessions and depressions often replace existing businesses with new ones. A significant number of them fold up while others survive, and a few thrive. And new ones emerge and flourish.
Survivors and new ones have one common factor. They have wise leaders, often just one person, who leads his business out of trouble and turns the problem into an opportunity. Where others saw disaster, they saw opportunities. Facing emergencies wisely leads to the emergence of new businesses or reinvention of old ones.
It is interesting to briefly discuss some common qualities that makes a leader who responds to unfamiliar problems and adversities in uncommon ways.
As in driving, where your eyes go, there you go in life and business. There are many significant parts to this vision such as the connection to purpose, attitude and the ability to shift patterns of thought and action towards purpose.
Apple had started in the downturn of 1975 and in 2001 Steve Jobs launched the iPod amidst the debris of the dotcom bubble and revived Apple’s fortunes. Similarly, to use another American example, Ted Turned started CNN as the world’s first 24-hour news channel in 1980 as America sank into a serious recession and people were eager to get fast news.
Self-awareness is another significant quality, which is vital to success in challenging times. It is important to know one’s weaknesses and strengths. It is necessary to be present in all one does. It is essential to know the limits of one’s self-definition, attitudes, values and thought patterns. We can be blind-sided by unseen dangers. And unawareness closes doors to opportunities that come knocking for admission.
An important part of self-awareness is to be in our bodies, to care for ourselves, and to embody leadership and give expression to our values in our bodies. An executive has to show executive presence, which is not a concept but a somatic reality. A true leader embodies leadership qualities and values. That is not only necessary but surer and quicker to shows results.
My experiences in life, work and spirituality have taught me that if we take the path of compassion, we are much better equipped to deal with the challenges that appear. It is most inspiring to see the powerful impact of compassionate actions by governments, business leaders and influencers which inspire many others to action. A compassionate leader communicates that compassion and it spread faster than any virus. Besides, every communication that comes from such a leader is bound have exceedingly beneficial outcomes including the creation of a more secure, stronger and positive atmosphere in businesses and countries.
Compassionate leadership pays attention to factors that the exceptionally difficult and uncertain situations create anxiety, stress and havoc in the lives of people and help create resilience. Like successful military leaders, they take care of their men first. They are aware of their assets and vulnerabilities and employ them wisely.
Most people respond to challenges as they are and based on what they know, not on what the situation is. Visionaries face situations based on what every new situation demands. So their approach is solution-focused and not problem-centred. They also show a perspective that wisdom gives, like faith in oneself, faith in life and the understanding that this too shall pass.